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In our clinic we offer you an advanced and precise approach with the latest technology to evaluate and assess musculoskeletal injuries: ultrasound.

Our team of highly trained physical therapists use state-of-the-art ultrasound to obtain detailed images of your soft tissues and joints. This allows us to make a precise and personalized diagnosis to design a treatment plan appropriate to your specific needs.

Ultrasound gives us a real-time view of your injury, allowing us to evaluate the degree of damage, inflammation, and progress throughout the recovery process. Additionally, it helps us evaluate the effectiveness of our treatments and make adjustments when necessary.

At our clinic, we believe that the combination of clinical experience and cutting-edge technology is the key to providing you with the best care possible. Our goal is to provide you with effective, non-invasive treatment, accelerating your recovery and helping you return to your daily activities as soon as possible, Thanks to the VINNO brand.

Trust our team of ultrasound specialists for accurate evaluation and efficient treatment of your injuries. Recover your well-being and quality of life with the support of the most advanced technology in physiotherapy. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and begin your path to a speedy recovery!

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